
July 22, 2008

Super Star

Ellie Kate is our performer. She sings daily, making up the lyrics as she goes along. She insists that we sit quietly and watch her sing. She comes out pretending to be on stage and greets us like we are her fans (and of course we are :) Will this be great to drag out in 20 years or what?


Kandi said...

That is exactly what I needed today :) She is so stinkin' cute!!! I agree her future husband and her children will get a kick watching that someday :)

wishiwerebritish said...

Are you kidding me! How stinking cute is she!!! You definitely have a rock star in your household!

Lan said...

I love it!! She's growing up so fast. Can I assume that's a Hannah Montana song, or just one of her own originals?

Wagon Ride September 2008