
August 6, 2008


Ok, so the dishwasher was obviously offended by my harsh comments and has now decided to boycott any operational functions... Additionally the air conditioner has gone out in my car, got freeon put in, no go, needs a new compressor and I got a speeding ticket on the way to work on Monday. I think God has a great sense of humor and must be thinking this is hysterical as I curse my way through these obstacles....

We had Madelyns birthday party this weekend, great time, I'll post pictures soon.


wishiwerebritish said...

now its time to look on the brighter side...your hair looks freakin rock star hot! as long as you've got good hair who needs a/c!

Kandi said...

Hey I wanna see the the rock star hair!!

wishiwerebritish said...

tamantha, it is time for an update

Wagon Ride September 2008